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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about the International Human Rights Training Program!

A list of questions and answers about the IHRTP and the application process can be found below. 

General Information

What is the IHRTP?

The International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) is a unique training that takes place in three phases: 

  1. An online introductory module (September 15 – October 17, 2025) 
  1. An 11-day in-person training in Orford, Quebec, Canada (October 26 – November 7, 2025) 
  1. Post-training follow-up to support participants in implementing their actions 

Each year, participants from over 50 countries take part in this training. 

The IHRTP is the only program in the world specifically dedicated to human rights educators and defenders. It focuses on:
✔️ International and regional human rights standards
✔️ Current human rights issues
✔️ Education and advocacy strategies 

This is a unique opportunity for committed individuals to exchange with professionals, gain practical tools to enhance the impact of their work, and join a global network of human rights practitioners.


Who is the program for?

The IHRTP is designed for:
✔️ Human rights educators who develop training programs and educational materials
✔️ Human rights defenders who advocate for the promotion and protection of human rights 

Participants may be affiliated with:
✔️ Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
✔️ National or regional institutions
✔️ Government agencies 

To be eligible, each candidate must have at least two years of experience, either as a paid employee or a volunteer within their organization or as an independent practitioner. 


In what language is the program offered?

The program is offered in French and English.
Participants must be able to read, write, and actively participate in discussions in one of these two languages. 

Simultaneous interpretation is available during lectures and presentations by guest experts. 


What are the program’s objectives?

By the end of the IHRTP, participants will be able to: 

✔️ Apply internationally recognized human rights standards, principles, and values
✔️ Integrate a human rights-based approach, a participatory approach, and a gender-transformative approach into their work
✔️ Identify educational and advocacy tools and techniques to increase the impact of their actions
✔️ Develop critical thinking and analysis of local and international human rights contexts
✔️ Assess the outcomes of their human rights education and advocacy efforts
✔️ Incorporate Global South perspectives, local realities, and the voices of marginalized groups into their education and advocacy work
✔️ Create networking and collaboration opportunities to advance human rights and gender equality
✔️ Apply their learnings in practice to amplify their impact within their communities 

To learn more about the program’s tangible impacts, click here

What is the online component of the program?

The IHRTP 2025 includes an online introductory module, which will take place from September 15 to October 17, 2025. 

What does this online phase include? 

  • 12 to 15 hours of asynchronous work at your own pace.  
  • Interactive activities to explore key human rights concepts and familiarize participants with the program’s methodology 
  • Online discussions and exchanges between participants to foster the creation of a learning community 
  • Readings, exercises, and reflections to deepen knowledge and prepare for the in-person training 

📌 Participation in this online phase is mandatory to attend the in-person training. 


What is the Individual Action Plan?

As part of the program, each participant must develop an action plan to practically apply their learning once the program is completed. This plan helps participants identify how to adapt the content to their specific context, enabling them to design realistic and achievable social actions to implement within their communities. 

A post-training follow-up is provided to support participants in carrying out their plan and to assess its impact in the field. 

Application Process

How can I apply? What documents do I need to submit?

This year, we have simplified the application process to make it more accessible—you no longer need to apply through our online platform! 

If you have applied in previous years, please note that only applications submitted via this new process will be considered. Applications from past editions (2023, 2020, 2019…) will not be reused or reviewed. 

Steps to apply:

1- Complete the online application form using the following jotform link:  (available in French and English) 

Application Form 

You don’t need to create a Jotform account to complete a form. To avoid data loss, make sure to save your form regularly as you fill it out as well as when you are done.

2- Upload the required documents in the Files section of the application form:

  • The signed Memorandum of Agreement  
  • Two reference letters from national and/or international human rights organizations (other than the applicant’s organization) that are familiar with your work and/or  your organization’s work.   
  • For applicants affiliated with an organization: A brochure and/or mission statement describing your organization  

You can save your partially completed application and return to it later before officially submitting.

3- Click the “Submit” button to send in your completed application 

You will receive a confirmation email.

*Important note: This year, once your application is submitted, it is FINAL—no modifications will be possible after submission. If important information is missing, please contact us. 

 If you have any questions or encounter difficulties, feel free to email us at:

What is the application deadline?

The deadline to submit your application for the IHRTP, which will take place in Fall 2025, is Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Your completed application file must be submitted no later than April 2, 2025.

We strongly recommend submitting your application several days before the deadline to avoid any last-minute technical issues. 

Applicant Profile

Can I apply if I am a volunteer and not an employee?

Yes. A volunteer within an organization can apply for the International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) if they have been actively involved in the organization for at least two years. 

The applicant must also meet the following criteria:
• Be able to influence the organization’s human rights education activities.
• Have knowledge of international human rights principles and instruments.
• Be committed to sharing acquired knowledge with colleagues and other stakeholders.
• Be sensitive to the challenges of working in a multicultural context and respect diversity. 


Can I apply if I am not affiliated with an organization?

Yes. Unaffiliated individuals can also apply. A “non-affiliated” educator or human rights defender is someone who is not currently working for an organization (formal or informal) or institution but can demonstrate a strong commitment to influencing, engaging in, and advocating for human rights and social justice. 

If you are not affiliated with an organization, you must show an active commitment to human rights education or advocacy for at least two years. 

In your application form, you must also: 

  • Clearly explain how you plan to implement your IHRTP learnings. 
  • Provide two recommendation letters from recognized human rights or social justice organizations/institutions. 
  • Present two concrete examples showcasing your engagement in human rights advocacy. 


Can I participate if I have been working for an organization for less than two years?

No. Applicants must have been employees or active volunteers within their organization for at least two years to be eligible.The same requirement applies to unaffiliated candidates. 


Can more than one person from the same organization apply?

Yes. There is no limit to the number of applications per organization. 

However, Equitas strongly recommends that organizations internally select one or two candidates who would benefit the most from the IHRTP and who have the greatest potential for a multiplier effect. 

While multiple applications from the same organization can be submitted, please note that the number of available spots and scholarships for the IHRTP is limited. 


Can I reapply if my application was not selected in the past?

Yes! If your application was not selected in a previous edition or if you were unable to participate, you can submit a new application this year. 


  • You must complete a new online application form and provide all required information. 
  • It is mandatory to submit updated versions of the required documents, including new recommendation letters and the Memorandum of Agreement. Make sure to use the 2025 version of the Memorandum of Agreement provided by Equitas. 

If you have applied in the past and would like to review the information you previously submitted. you can contact us at


If I have participated in other Equitas training programs, can I apply for the IHRTP?

Yes! You can apply for the IHRTP even if you have already attended other Equitas training programs. 

However, you are not eligible if you have: 

  • Already participated in a previous IHRTP 
  • Attended one of Equitas’ regional sessions (EAHRP, SRFDH, etc.) 


Can I submit my application if my passport expires before the IHRTP starts, or if I don’t have a passport?

Yes! You can still apply even if you do not yet have a valid passport. 

However, if your application is selected, you will be responsible for: 

  • Renewing or obtaining your passport as soon as possible. 
  • Checking the processing times in your country to ensure that you receive your passport and visa in time for the IHRTP in October. 

📌 Important: Make sure your passport meets the validity requirements of the Canadian government. In some cases, your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after your departure from Canada. 


What happens if I don’t get my visa on time?

All international participants are responsible for obtaining their visa for Canada in a timely manner. Please note that if you have not received your visa by October 15, 2025, you will not be able to participate in the program. This date is firm, as the online program starts on September 15 and paying participants must finalize their payment before the program begins. We strongly recommend that you start the visa application process as soon as possible to avoid any delays. 

Memorandum of Agreement

Who should sign the Memorandum of Agreement if I am the director of my organization?

If you are the director of your organization, the Memorandum of Agreement must be signed by the President of the Board of Directors of your organization. 

Who must sign the Memorandum of Agreement if I am not affiliated with an organization?

If you are not affiliated with any organization, only your signature is required. 

Reference Letters

What is a reference letter?

A reference letter is a personalized document confirming that a person or organization knows you and is familiar with your work. It should explain why your application is recommended for the IHRTP. 

📌 Important Information: 

  • The letter must be signed and dated. 
  • Equitas does not provide a template for recommendation letters. 


Who can write recommendation letters?

The two required recommendation letters must be written by national or international organizations that are familiar with your work or your organization’s work. 

📌 Important: 

  • The letters must come from organizations other than your own. 
  • They should demonstrate your commitment to human rights or social justice. 

Selection Process

What Are the Selection Criteria for the IHRTP?

The selection process for both organizations and individual candidates is rigorous. 

📌 Organizations submitting applications must: 

  • Demonstrate a clear commitment to promoting and protecting human rights. 
  • Be recognized for their effective human rights work. 
  • Conduct human rights education activities, such as training, awareness campaigns, advocacy efforts, or reporting human rights violations. 

📌 Applicants must: 

  • Have at least two years of experience as an employee or active volunteer in their organization, or as an independent advocate. 
  • Influence the human rights education activities conducted by their organization. 
  • Have a strong understanding of international human rights principles and instruments. 
  • Commit to developing a concrete and realistic action plan to apply their learnings within their community. 
  • Be culturally sensitive and respect diversity. 
  • Fluency in French or English. 


How does the selection process work?

A selection committee reviews all applications based on the criteria outlined above. 

📌 In addition to these criteria, the committee also considers: 

  • Gender balance among participants. 
  • Geographic diversity to ensure representation from different regions. 


When will I receive a response?

The selection process takes approximately one month after the application deadline.
You will receive a response at the end of this period.

Costs, Funding, and Bursaries

What is the cost of the training?  

The participation fee for the 2025 IHRTP is $9,000 CAD. 

📌 This fee covers: 

  • Training fees. 
  • Educational materials. 
  • Emergency medical insurance. 
  • Accommodation and meals for the entire duration of the program. 

📌 Participants are responsible for the following expenses: 

  • International transportation costs. 
  • Visa fees. 
  • Tourist activities and other personal expenses. 
  • Meals outside of program-site. 


Are there funding and bursaries opportunities?

Yes, but they are limited. Equitas can offer a small number of partial or full scholarships to selected participants. 

📌 A full bursary covers: 

  • Participation fees (including accommodation and meals) for the duration of the in-person training. 
  • Travel expenses to attend the program, including visa fees. 

📌 Important Notes: 

  • Receiving a bursary is not guaranteed, even if you are selected for the program. 
  • The selection committee awards the bursaries to the international candidates who best meet the criteria for each bursary. 
  • As the number of grants is limited, we strongly recommend that you start your search for funding now. Please indicate in your application if you can contribute to the costs of participation. 

How do I pay the Participation Fees?

If you are required to pay your own participation fees, you will receive an invoice with all the necessary payment details. 

📌 Accepted Payment Methods: 

  • Credit card. 
  • Bank transfer. 

💡 The payment must be completed before the start of the online program, the 15th of September. 


What is the Refund Policy if I do not obtain my Canadian Visa on time?

If you have already paid your participation fees but fail to obtain your visa on time, the Equitas team will contact you to arrange a refund. 

📌 All participants must have their visas by September 5, 2025, at the latest to be able to take part in the program. Once your application has been accepted, we strongly advise you to begin the visa application process as soon as possible to avoid any issues. 

Visa Process

Do I need a visa and biometric data submission?

Most applicants will need a visa and must provide biometric data. Processing times vary by country, ranging from a few days to several weeks. 

Once accepted, you are responsible for applying for your visa within the required timeframe. We recommend checking the official Government of Canada website for the latest visa application procedures. 


When will I receive an Invitation Letter if I am selected?

Only selected participants will receive an official invitation letter.

The evaluation of applications must be completed before sending the letters. Invitation letters are generally sent in before the end of April 2025. 

Logistical Information

Where does the training take place?

The in-person training will be held in Orford, Québec, Canada, at Jouvence, a retreat center known for its natural setting that fosters learning and exchange. 

Jouvence features: 

  • A unique hotel-style retreat within a national park. 
  • Locally inspired cuisine with fresh ingredients. 
  • Three types of accommodations, all equipped with a fireplace or wood stove. 
  • Training rooms with nature views. 
  • Various outdoor activity equipment available. 


Where will Participants be accommodated?

Participants will stay on-site in private rooms with private bathrooms. There will also be several shared spaces for networking and relaxation. 


Can I stay somewhere else?

No. Participants must stay at the provided accommodations throughout the program. However, participants may choose to stay elsewhere on free days (weekends, including November 1 & 2, 2025) or before/after the program.  


Are meals provided? 

Yes. Meals will be served at the training center’s restaurant for the duration of the program. 

On free days (weekends, including November 1 and 2, 2025), packed lunches will be provided for the day’s meals. 


What Is the Nearest Airport?

The closest airport is Montréal-Trudeau International Airport (YUL). Equitas will arrange transportation from the airport to the training site for participants. 


Is the program accessible to persons with disabilities?

Yes, we welcome persons with disabilities and are committed to making the program as accessible as possible by following best practices and accessibility standards. 

Important Information: 

Physical Accessibility: 

  • Some rooms and training spaces are fully accessible, with adapted facilities (ramps, wide doors, etc.). 
  • While continuous efforts are made to improve accessibility, some common areas and rooms may not yet be fully adapted. 

Accessibility for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Participants: 

  • We strive to adapt the program to meet participants’ needs. If you require sign language interpretation or an assistive listening system, please contact us as soon as possible to explore available options. 
  • Training materials are provided in accessible formats whenever possible (digital documents, etc.). 

Accessibility for Blind or Visually Impaired Participants: 

  • Some materials can be adapted upon request, such as large-print documents. 
  • If you have specific accessibility needs, we encourage you to contact us so we can assess possible accommodations. 

Accompanying Person: 

  • To ensure an optimal experience, we recommend that participants with specific needs be accompanied by an accompanying person to assist with mobility and overall comfort. 
  • Travel grants for support persons may be available, subject to funding. 

Inclusive Training: 

  • We adapt our training methods to ensure active and inclusive participation for all participants, including the use of visual, auditory, and tactile materials, as well as regular breaks to accommodate individual needs. 


If you have any questions or specific accessibility requirements, please contact us at as soon as possible. We will work together to find the best solutions to accommodate you. 


Is an accompanying person covered for participants with disabilities?

Yes, Equitas recognizes the importance of an accompanying person to ensure participants with disabilities have a comfortable and fully inclusive experience during the program. 

📌 Important Information: 

  • Available Grants: Travel grants for support persons may be available, subject to funding. 
  • Accommodation & Meals: The accompanying person’s accommodation and meals will be fully covered by the grant. 
  • Travel Costs: Travel expenses for the support person may be partially or fully covered, depending on needs and available resources. 

📌 Procedure:
If you are selected to participate in the program and require an accompanying person, please contact us as soon as possible at We will work with you to plan the best solutions for your participation. 


Cultural and Religious Practices 

Equitas values cultural and religious diversity. Whenever possible, the team will do its best to accommodate participants’ needs. However, participants will be responsible for managing their own religious and cultural practices, while ensuring that the program schedule is respected.