Human Rights Education Curbs Polarization: MAKE A DONATION TODAY!
L'éducation aux droits humains freine la polarisation : FAITES UN DON AUJOURD’HUI!
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Our partners

Equitas thanks its partners in Canada and around the world who make human rights education possible every day!

Funding Transformative Change

It is thanks to the generous support of our loyal partners, socially responsible sponsors, and dedicated donors that Equitas is able to instigate change in the world. We raised over $150,000 in the past year to help train human rights defenders, encourage young leaders to take action, and amplify the voices of people who are often unheard. Your continued engagement is the only way Equitas can carry on with this work, and together we can contribute to positive change in our world. By supporting our efforts, you too are a changemaker. We sincerely thank you for what you gave this past year, and for what you will give in the coming year. Your continued support is vital to Equitas’ success and the fight for equal rights in Canada and in all the countries where our work promotes freedom and equality.

Our Government Partners

Our international programs are made possible in part thanks to the support of the Government of Canada provided through Global Affairs Canada.




Our Program Supporters


Alena Perout

American Jewish World Service

Brian Bronfman Family Foundation

Canadian Heritage

Caritas Germany


CKNW Kids’ Fund

Crossroads International

Délégation générale du Québec à Dakar

Development and Peace

Embassy of Canada in Indonesia

Embassy of Canada to Vietnam

Euro-Burma Office

European Union

European Union’s European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights

George Hogg Family Foundation

GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

High Commission of Canada in Malaysia

High Commission of Canada in Mozambique


Jack Marketing

John et Elizabeth Corker

Judith Kavanagh

Kaizer et Inez Jabalpurwala


Lawyers Without Borders Canada

Marc Girard

Marcel Forget

Marie-Claire Dumas

Maxwell Yalden Foundation

Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration (QC)

Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie (QC)

Mission inclusion

MK Fund for Social Justice

National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

RBC Foundation

Robert Yalden et Pearl Eliadis

Tamara Zimmerman

Tatsuko & Michael Cooper

TD Bank Group

The Winnipeg Foundation

United Way of the Lower Mainland

Equitas thanks all the individual donors who have made a gift this year.
We are truly grateful for your continuous support.


Equitas sincerely thanks TD Bank Group and all the sponsors for their generous support.

International programs partners

Association Femmes Soleil d’Haïti (AFASDA)

Association marocaine des droits humains

Association voix du sourd de Tunisie

Centre Tunisien Méditerranéen (TuMed)

Comité de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes (CLVF) 

Centre de formation pour l’entraide et le développement communautaire (CFEDEC)

Collectif Justice Mine

Groupe d’appui aux rapatriés et réfugiés (GARR)

Kouraj pou pwoteje dwa moun (Kouraj)

Mouvement burkinabé des droits de l’homme et des peuples (MBDHP)

National Council for Human Rights Egypt

Partenaires pour la citoyenneté engagée

Rencontre africaine pour la défense de droits de l’Homme (RADDHO)

Réseau Sénégal pour l’éducation aux droits humains (RESEDHU)


Union de personnes luttant contre la discrimination et la stigmatisation (UPLCDS)

TUSONGE Community Development Organization

Women’s Empowerment Link (WEL)

International Organizations partners

Equitas is one of 127 civil society organizations accredited by the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, helping to strengthen links between francophone civil society organizations around the world.


Canadian programs partners

Accueil SANA Shawinigan

Boys and Girls Clubs of Charlottetown

Boys and Girls Clubs of Dawson

Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg

Britannia Community Service Centre

Black Creek-Tretheway Youth Initiative (BTYI)

Canadian Roots Exchange

Carrefour des 6-12 ans de Pierrefonds-est inc.

Centre Communautaire Bon Courage De Place Benoît

Centre d’amitié autochtone de Lanaudière

City of Surrey

City of Toronto

City of Winnipeg

Ever Active Schools 

FCJ Refugee Center

Femmes Autochtones du Québec Inc. (FAQ)

Graffiti Art Programming Inc.

Guelph & Waterloo Frontier College

Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba Inc. (IRCOM)

Je suis Montréal

Centre Benny – Jeunesse Benny and NDG OSC

La Fondation Dr Julien

La Maison d’Haïti

Loisirs & Culture Sud-Ouest

LOVE Québec

Maison des enfants de St-Roch

Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre

Motivaction Jeunesse Projet Orion 

Mouvement contre le viol et l’inceste (MCVI)

Mount Pleasant Community Centre Recreation Programs

Montréal Autochtone – Native Montreal

Multicultural Association of Fredericton Inc.


Options Community Services

Place Maillardville Community Centre

PEI Association for Newcomers to Canada

Ray-Cam Community Association

Say Ça! Montreal

Summit Kids

Surrey Community-Schools Partnership (C-SP)

Taggart Family YMCA

The 519

Umoja Operation Compassion Society

Vancouver Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society (VIRCS)

Vancouver School Board Engaged Immigrant Youth Program (VSB- EIY)

Voices: Manitoba’s Youth in Care

YMCA of Greater Vancouver

YMCA of Regina

YWCA Québec

YWCA Montreal

Youth Fusion