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Our Policy on Preventing Sexual Harassment

Our Policy on Preventing Sexual Violence, Harassment and Discrimination

Equitas is committed to practices and policies that build a safe and secure environment, free from violence, intimidation, harassment and discrimination and that enables full participation for anyone who wishes to contribute to the Equitas mission. Sexual discrimination, exploitation intimidation, harassment and assault are not tolerated by Equitas.

This policy articulates the Equitas’ commitment to address sexual violence, harassment and discrimination and to counteract its harmful affects. It aims to foster awareness and prevention, outlines support for survivors/victims, and sets out fair procedural frameworks for accountability. It describes appropriate responses to disclosures of sexual violence and specifies procedures for reports or complaints. This policy is aligned with our mission and values. It builds upon and provides additional details regarding existing commitments, contained in Equitas’ Human Resources Policy and our Gender Policy, to prevent and respond to all forms of discrimination or harassment.

As an organization committed to the advancement of equality, social justice and respect for human dignity, we expect the highest standard of behaviour from our employees, board members and volunteers to treat each other and any third party involved in Equitas activities in a fair, dignified and respectful manner. We also expect our partners and participants in our programs to uphold the same high standards of behaviour. We will choose to work with partner organizations who share our values, in particular our commitment to practices that promote equality and non-discrimination. We will work with these partners to ensure that all our activities are safe and free of sexual violence, exploitation, harassment and discrimination. All participants in these activities, including trainers and resource persons, will be expected to uphold the same standards. Equitas will also work with and support our partners to put in place appropriate policies and mechanisms in their own organizations as needed.

View the Complete Policy