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November 22, 2007: Equitas Hosts Its 3rd Annual Fundraising Cocktail With Guest Speaker Ishmael Beah

Over 200 people gathered for Equitas’ 3rd annual fundraising cocktail on November 22 where we had the great pleasure of welcoming Ishmael Beah, author of A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier . All were moved as he spoke of the value and legacy of education and of human rights education. As a child soldier, he felt part of a lost generation, but education gave him hope. Mr. Beah stated simply and eloquently that his education means so much to him because it can never be taken from him by anyone. He emphasized the importance of human rights education. “As a child soldier, your rights are constantly violated,” said Beah. “For the sake of these children it is essential to prove that another life is possible.” Also present at the cocktail was the Honorable Jason Kenney, Secretary of State, Multiculturalism and Canadian Identity who spoke of the Canadian government’s support to programs to demobilize and reintegrate child soldiers and the government’s support of Equitas’ work.

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