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Mosharka – Strengthening Regional Youth Networks to Promote Human Rights and Democratic Participation in the Middle East and North Africa

The Regional Steering Committee for Equitas’ Mosharka project are holding a 3-day meeting in Amman, Jordan to launch this new European Union-funded program in the Middle East and North Africa.  Over the next couple of days, the Steering Committee will review the program objectives and implementation plan and reinforce the cohesion and coordination within the implementation team.

The steering committee of the Mosharka project includes representatives of Equitas and of partner organizations as well as regional experts and youth leaders.
The steering committee includes 15 members: representatives from Equitas, regional experts, partner organizations and youth leaders from the five participating countries: Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. The partners include: the Arab Network for Civic Education (Regional organization), the Horus Foundation for Development and Training (Egypt),the Change Academy for Democratic Changes (Jordan), l’Association marocaine pour l’éducation et la jeunesse – AMEJ (Morocco), l’Association des femmes tunisiennes pour la recherche et le développement – AFTURD (Tunisia) and the Youth Leadership and Development Foundation – YLDF (Yemen). During the first day of the meeting, the members reviewed the goal and objectives of the project. They also introduced each other to the different communities in which the project will take place and presented the human rights issues facing youth in these communities. The communities in which the partners work and where the project will take place include: Bani Al Harith District and Maeen District in Yemen, East Amman and Madaba (Jordan), Assiut, Sohag, Aswan (Egypt), Fès and Fès-Boulemane (Morocco) and Tunis and El Kef (Tunisia). During the next 2 days, the steering committee members will discuss the activities of the project in detail and plan the next steps. The Mosharka project will build networks and capacity in the MENA region to support the mobilization and participation of youth in the promotion of human rights and democracy. It will equip youth, including women and civil society organizations (CSOs) to use human rights standards, mechanisms and approaches to promote equality, diversity and non-discrimination and access to justice for young people.

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