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Kate Monaghan | Senior Advisor, Fund development


666 Sherbrooke West – Suite 1100
Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1E7

Equitas acknowledges that its office is located on unceded Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) land.

Kate (she/her) recently transplanted to Montreal and joined Equitas as Senior Fund Development advisor. She is a passionate believer in community building and a fervent believer in the power of art and music to create space and to connect and move us. Prior to joining Equitas, Kate inspired individuals, stakeholders and community to engage and invest in Calgary’s arts and culture sector over the past 20 years; most recently as Associate Director, Advancement at Arts Commons, Canada’s third largest performing arts centre. Kate has a record of accomplishment of fundraising, community building, stakeholder engagement, and government relations to sustain and grow not for profit organizations.
Kate is an avid volunteer and has held roles as Acting Board Chair of the Calgary International Film Festival; Board Director of JazzYYC; a member of the Interim Board of Creative Calgary; co-lead of the Chinook Blast Festival Strategic Initiatives Subcommittee; and a member of the Rotary Club of Calgary Crowchild, Urban Spirits.
She holds a BFA from the Alberta University of the Arts, a certificate with distinction in Arts & Culture Management from Grant McEwan College, and numerous business and professional programs including Rozsa Executive Arts Leadership Program – Rozsa Arts Management Program at the Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary.