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Indigenous and Refugee Stories of Resilience on Turtle Island

In collaboration with Equitas and the Conseil Interculturel de Montréal, Canadian Roots Exchange is excited to announce its first Montreal event in there “All My Relations” dialogue series on solidarity and reconciliation.

We want to first acknowledge this event is being held on unceded Indigenous lands. The Kanien’kehá:ka Nation is recognized as the custodians of the lands and waters on which we gather.

In this panel we will explore how we can build solidarity between refugees and Indigenous communities, through discussions about relationship to the land, reclamation of culture and heritage, community resilience.

There will be opportunities for the audience to ask questions, and for everyone to connect more casually after the panel. Light refreshments will be served.

When: January 27, 16:00-18:00

Where: Conseil interculturel de Montréal
14 florr, suit 1424, 1550 Metcalfe st., Montreal, QC H3A 1X6


The Panelists:

– Muzna Dureid is a syrian activist, lobbyist and women’s rights defender. She is a master’s student in Conflict Prevention and Dispute Resolution and she is working as an intervener in Canadian Red Cross refugee health program with the Social Center for Immigrant Aid. Trilingual, Muzna is laureate of Women’s Future in the Mediterranean with Science Po University . She participated in the consultations of Canada’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security 2017-2022, and is a laureate of the Sister to Sister Program with the Nobel Women Initiative.

– Killaq Enuaraq-Strauss is a 21-year-old Inuk woman from Iqaluit Nunavut, who is currently studying International Studies and Journalism at the University of Florida. Her focus is on the resilience and urbanization of indigenous communities and she wants to pursue a career in politics in order to create a healthier Canada for Indigenous people.

– Nakuset is an activist and the Executive Director of the Native Women’s Shelter of Montréal; she is Cree from Lac la Ronge, Saskatchewan. She has three beautiful boys, Kistin, Mahkisis and Mahihkan. She was adopted by a Jewish family in Montreal and draws on her adoptee experience in her advocacy work for Indigenous children in care. She sits on the Steering Committee of the Montréal Urban Aboriginal Community Strategy Network. Nakuset is the creator, producer and host of the television series Indigenous Power, she was voted “Woman of the Year 2014” by the Montreal Council of Women, and she is the Indigenous columnist for MaTV’s CityLife. Nakuset was featured in Real Talk on Race, the award winning CBC series. In 2017, she was selected by the CKX City Series as a speaker/shift disturber due to the work she does to shift the status quo for urban Aboriginal women. In November 2017, she was a speaker for TEDxMontrealWomen. Nakuset is dedicated to improving the lives of urban Aboriginals.

– Kyle Patton is a Mohawk from Kahnawake. Not only does he build homes for people in his community as a carpenter, but during the past few years he has been working at building relationships between his people and people on the outside.

About Canadian Roots Exchange: Canadian Roots Exchange – Échanges Racines Canadiennes is a national not-for-profit organization committed to building bridges between Indigenous and non-Indigenous young people.

About Conseil interculturel de Montréal: Since 2003, the Conseil interculturel de Montréal is advocating for intercultural relations with the aim to improve the inclusion and participation of the numerous ethnoculturel communities of Montreal.

Entrance is free but registration is required through Eventbrite:

Panelists will present in English but questions could be asked bothe in French and English.

Please also note that a next panel will be held in French.