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February 14, 2010: First Sub-Regional Human Rights Training Session In Francophone West Africa

The first sub-regional Human Rights Training Session (HRTS) in francophone West Africa was held from February 14 to 26, 2010 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. During the two-week workshop, 30 human rights activists from Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Senegal actively participated in the training, learning how to implement effective human rights education activities. “We owe the success of this session in large part to the intrinsic qualities of the participants and their attendance throughout these two weeks. We owe much to Equitas’ painstaking work in preparing the team in partnership and close collaboration with the Equitas networks in Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Senegal”, said Chrysogone Zougmoré, President of the Burkina Faso Movement for Human and Peoples’ Rights (MBDHP) and Chairman of the Organising Committee at the closing ceremony. During the coming months the HRTS participants will conduct activities designed to put into practice the skills acquired during the training. Participants from Burkina Faso are planning an activity for the International Day of the African Child on June 16 which will address the issue of violence against children. In Cameroon, participants are organizing a human rights training workshop for community groups and organizations. The Senegalese participants are working on an awareness building campaign addressing the problem of discrimination in schools. Equitas congratulates the consortium of former participants that organized and delivered the session and looks forward to continued collaboration in order to produce a second session in Francophone West Africa in 2011. This program is made possible by financial support from the Canadian International Development Agency.

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