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EquiTalks: Bridging our Diversities

Equitas is pleased to announce the upcoming EquiTalks: an inspiring panel discussion with Marie-Claude Landry, the Chief Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, on Tuesday, October 25th, at 5 PM EST. This panel discussion will feature thought leaders committed to building a culture of human rights. A cocktail will be held from 5-6pm and the event will be broadcast live from 6 to 7:30pm.

Earlier this year, Equitas and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights jointly launched Bridging Our Diversities: A Compendium of Good Practices in Human Rights Education. This comprehensive publication builds on years of research and analysis conducted by Equitas in close collaboration with organisations in the Global South as a follow-up to an international conference organized in 2017 by Equitas and the OHCHR, supported by Global Affairs Canada.  

This fall, the EquiTalks will focus on the mission of this compendium – using human rights education to address global challenges, promote gender equality, build equitable communities, support reconciliation with Indigenous communities, and engage decision makers. Join us on October 25th, 2022, in downtown Toronto for an evening of compelling conversations on using human rights education to generate positive social change. 

You’re not able to participate in person? This event will also be live-streamed online with French interpretation, closed captioning, and sign language interpretation available.  

To participate, register for the event here

Joining us online?

Our Guest of Honour

Marie-Claude Landry, Chief Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Human Rights Commission

Marie Claude Landry has been the Chief Commissioner and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Human Rights Commission since 2015. 

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In addition to her active law practice and rich background in community service, Ms. Landry was a member of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for 10 years. She was also awarded the distinction Avocat émérite from the Quebec Bar. Ms. Landry is an avid advocate on the behalf of communities in vulnerable circumstances and frequently speaks out on human rights issues in Canada.   

“When we see hate, on such a scale, manifest itself openly, we need leaders to be blunt, we need companies to use their corporate weight to get messages heard and we need governments to mobilize. And this will happen, if, acting together, we sound an alarm that is so loud, so unequivocal, that we will all feel compelled to action.”
– Marie-Claude Landry


Our moderator


Vinod Rajasekaran, Canadian social entrepreneur and CEO of Future of Good.

Vinod is a renowned Canadian social entrepreneur and the publisher and CEO of Future of Good, a digital publication covering the world of social impact for changemakers.

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Vinod was designated as a Global Shaper by the World Economic Forum and is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his various contributions to social impact in Canada. His ground-breaking work and innovations in social research and development are referenced across the world. 

Our panelists

Hillory Tenute Gi Chi’noodinkwe Aapti Beebom N’gigikwe, Executive Director at Canadian Roots Exchange (CRE) 

Hillory is an Anishinaabekwe with settler descent from the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation located in Neyaashiinigmiing, Ontario and the Executive Director at Canadian Roots Exchange (CRE), a national, Indigenous Youth-led organization that provides reconciliation-based programs, grants and opportunities designed to strengthen and amplify the voices of Indigenous Youth in Canada

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She has extensive experience in providing expertise on research, evaluation and analysis of Indigenous realities such as Indigenous- Settler relations, Rights Implementation, Justice, Health and Well-Being. As a proud Auntie and life-long advocate for Indigenous Youth, Ms. Tenute’s passion is to continue the legacy of her ancestors and to ensure youth are provided with equitable opportunities to enhance their self-determination and to become dynamic leaders in the reconciliation movement across what we now call Canada.

Rio Hada

Rio Hada, Chief of the Equality, Development and Rule of Law Section at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

Mr. Hada currently leads OHCHR’s thematic engagement in New York on equality and non-discrimination, sustainable development and the rule of law to mainstream human rights in interagency and intergovernmental discussions at the UN HeadquartersUntil recently, he was coordinating the OHCHR’s global thematic work on economic, social and cultural rights and the human rights of older persons. 

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Rio Hada led OHCHR’s human rights mainstreaming agenda in the UN system and coordinated UN interagency efforts to integrate human rights in the policies and programmes of the UN development system and to promote human rights-based implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Prior to OHCHR, he served at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs in New York, the UN Office at Vienna, UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, on a wide range of issues including poverty and social development, administration of justice, post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation, international trade and South-South cooperation.

Supporting the EquiTalks

With your support, Equitas strives to build more inclusive communities,
all while Bridging our Diversities.
But there is still so much to do.

To support these events and Equitas’ mission of advancing equality, we invite you to donate according to your ability to give. Donations of $20 or more will be eligible for a tax receipt. All voluntary contributions from the event will go to support Equitas’ human rights education in Canada and across the globe.  

*For more information, you can contact Sasha Masabanda at

Thank you to our generous partners!

Your organization wants to make a difference and sponsor this event?
Please contact Kate Monaghan for more information.