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8th International Conference on Human Rights Education

An international forum to explore human rights education solutions to global challenges. Montreal, Canada from November 30 to December 3, 2017

The International Conference on Human Rights Education (ICHRE) is the forum for practitioners, policy-makers and academics to explore innovative education solutions to global challenges. This 3.5-day conference assembled 300 participants from all over the world for practical workshops and insightful sessions featuring the latest tools, knowledge and good practices in human rights education.

3.5 days, 300 participants, 58 countries represented, 70 workshops and plenaries, 6,628 messages exchanged on the Conference App,

701 posts on the Conference hashtag #ICHRE2017 and over 10 million people reached on Twitter alone….

Thank you to everyone involved for making the 8th International Conference on Human Rights Education such a success!

About the conference

Bridging our Diversities


In our globalized world today, we are experiencing more and more conflict based on ethnic, religious, and socio-economic identities and differences. Communities are struggling to respond to the impact of global migration patterns and the challenges associated with managing greater diversity.

As our understanding of human rights and equality continues to evolve, we are constantly challenged to ensure the equitable participation of women, youth and groups that have been marginalized, including indigenous peoples; refugees/newcomers; visible minorities; lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, queer and intersex (LGBTQI) people; and people living with disabilities.

More than ever, there is a need for approaches that promote understanding, respect, inclusion, equality and reconciliation.

Human rights education is a key strategy in this regard. At the Conference, we worked together to develop a dynamic articulation of the value of human rights education as well as document a collection of innovative and effective strategies and practices to respond to current global challenges.

Organized by

With the active participation in the Advisory Committee of: 

The Canadian Human Rights CommissionCommission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse (Québec), the Australian Council for Human Rights Education and Amnesty International.


The organizing partners gratefully acknowledge the financial partners for their generous support:







(Top image courtesy of Tourisme Montréal.)

Montreal, Canada!

The Conference Bridging our Diversities took place during a year of important anniversaries: Canada 150, Montreal 375 and Equitas 50. The conference provided a unique opportunity to showcase the lessons learned from Canada, Quebec, Montreal and Equitas’ experience promoting human rights, pluralism, inclusion and respect for diversity.


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