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COVID-19: The Safety of All

COVID-19: The Safety of All

The COVID-19 pandemic did not put an end to the unchecked human rights violations taking place around the world; it only exacerbates the situation of many groups that were vulnerable before the pandemic, including women, children and young people, those in precarious situations or who are in need of special access to health services, Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Color. 

In many countries, leaders have even used COVID-19 as a pretext for neglecting their human rights obligations and, in certain situations, to limit the rights and freedoms of a civil society. Human rights education restores the tools that people in vulnerable situations need to defend and protect their rights.

How Equitas has adapted to COVID-19

Equitas has made most of its activities virtual since March 2020. The rules followed were constantly adjusted to conform to government and public health recommendations. Currently, the majority of Equitas’ employees work in a hybrid way, a combination of in person office work and remote work. Since spring 2022, Equitas has resumed international travel and work, remaining mindful of COVID-19 and local and international health measures. For in-person activities and in-person office work, we continue to maintain the following protocols to minimize risks regarding COVID-19: 

  • People with one or more of the main symptoms of COVID-19 cannot take part in the activity and/or are advised to stay at home.  

  • If a participant or Equitas employee tests positive, they must stay home for at least 5 days. Once the test result is negative, they can resume in person activities.