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June 8, 2011: Annual Donor and Volunteer Recognition Cocktail

On June 8, 2011 some 40 donors, volunteers and members of Equitas staff gathered in Old Montreal for our annual Donor and Volunteer Recognition cocktail. Graciously hosted by Alena Perout, a former President of Equitas’ Board of Directors, the event featured an exhibition of the paintings of Anguilla-based artist Lynne Bernbaum. The vibrant paintings, depicting scenes from the Caribbean such as market-places and domino games, grew out of an eye-opening journey to the region in 1988. Ms. Bernbaum also generously donated 20% of all art sales to supporting Equitas’ programmes in Haiti. Also present at the event were eight human rights workers from Haiti, in Montreal to attend Equitas’ International Human Rights Training Program. Patrick Camille, from the Groupe d’appui aux Rappatrié(e)s et Réfugié(e)s in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, described how his work with Equitas on developing an engaged citizenry is making a real difference in the displaced persons camps. Working with young adults, making them aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens, led to them taking on an active role in improving the environment of the camps. The event was an opportunity for Equitas’ most valued asset – our donors and volunteers – to enjoy a night out, view the art and to get to know each other and to hear about how their support is helping human rights defenders and educators in Canada and around the world. Executive Director Ian Hamilton and Board President Rob Yalden thanked all of Equitas’ donors and volunteers for their generosity and tremendous support. “Your contributions of time and of money allow us to offer innovative education programs at home and around the world that are making a real difference in advancing equality, social justice and respect for human dignity,” said Ian Hamilton. Equitas wishes to thank Peck-Tech Consultants for generously sponsoring this cocktail and fundraising event. Equitas thanks all our 2010 – 2011 donors for their support Champions 10 000 $ + Graham Boeckh Foundation Defenders 2000 $ + Anonymous Brian Bronfman Family Foundation Michael Cooper Pearl Eliadis & Robert Yalden Catalysts 1000 $ + Anonymous Avmor Art and Cultural Foundation Eric Bretsen Michel de Salaberry Claudia Portaro Deon Ramgoolam Stanley & Suzanne Schmidt Facilitators 500 $ + Jeffrey Arnold André Beaulieu Corey Copeland & Betsey Martin Ian Hamilton & Sue Montgomery Michael & Julie Hamilton Richard & Patricia Hamilton Deborah & Michael Hinton The Hon. Frank & Nancy Iacobucci Inez Jabalpurwala Jean-Marc Métivier Nicole Morin Susan D. Rogers Alena Perout Agro Saffiro LLP Vicheth Say Melissa Sonberg Paul A. Turcot O. Andrew Wilson Robert & Joan Wright Educators 250 $ + Anonymous Anonymous Barbara Bain Richard & Sylvia Cruess Sébastien Gignac & Marie-Chantal Lortie Danielle Grenier Alison Hall & Denis Barsalo Graeme Hamilton & Rachelle Henderson Monette Malewski F. Leslie Seidle Colleen Sheppard Eleanor Stubley Michelle Sullivan Pierre Trudeau Donald Wilson Aeroplan Miles Richard & Sylvia Cruess, Madeleine Aubé, Jean-Sébastien Vallée, Nancy Hovey, Deborah Hinton $100 – $250 John & Sheila Allan, Madeleine Aubé & Yves Lafontaine, Thérèse Bouchard, Jocelyne Chênevert, Hubert Colas, Margaret Coleman, Paul-André & Nicole Crépeau, Sylvain-Jacques Desjardins, Dominican Friars of Toronto, Marie-Claire Dumas, Robert Gervais, Barbara Hall,Hart Resource Development, Peter Hogg, Petr & Ria Holcak, Judith Jaques, Sandra Morais, Jean-Paul Morin, Margot Rothman, Michelle Sullivan, Everett Wylie, Max & Janice Yalden, Jackie Yarosky $1 – $99 Pacita Candelario, John Barter, Lynn Bessoudo, Mark Curfoot-Mollington, Helen Eliadis, J.D. Gerols-Sage, Catherine Laurin, Grenier et Richards Architectes, Victor & Sheila Goldbloom, Cheryl Goldman, Ratna Ghosh, Frédéric Hareau & Manon Van Der Puijl, Anca Elena Iliescu & Vlad Traian, Marilyn Hébert, Lesley Levy & Michael Dworkind, Catherine London & Hubert Lavallée, Gray & Elizabeth Montgomery, Rosalind Raddatz, Krystyna Reiss, Mona Timmons, Shelagh Vaughn, Mike & Amy Wolfe, Jackie Yarosky