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2016 Reunion Evening – Equitas’ volunteers and interns at the heart of our action in Montreal!

On April 6, dozens of Equitas volunteers and interns gathered at Equitas offices for the 2016 Reunion Evening, a new annual tradition at Equitas! Thrilled with the success of the first edition of this get-together held last April, Equitas  once again invited volunteers and interns who have taken part in the International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) to an evening rich in the sharing of their fond memories.

“This experience certainly helped me get my Masters’ Internship and jobs related to international relations. It was a great experience that I would not hesitate to redo (…)” – Intern, 2010 IHRTP “Being surrounded by 90 activists from over 50 different countries during the 2015 IHRTP was a unique experience.” – Intern, 2015 IHRTP

Each year, contributions from our interns and volunteers are essential to the success of this unique and intense program, rich in personal interactions. Since the very beginning of the IHRTP, Equitas has had the chance to count on the outstanding dedication of hundreds of interns and volunteers. Their presence means a lot for the success of the program, and we thank them! — SHORT-SURVEY – Were you at the reunion? If so, please take a few minutes to answer our short survey about the event. — Here are some photos and some of the interns’ and volunteers’ treasured memories of their time spent at the IHRTP, both those who were present for the Reunion and those who couldn’t be with us and sent us a “memory” postcard:

“During the International dinner in 2009, I remember that after the dinner, the Beatles’ song All you need is love came on over the speakers. Everyone got up and danced and hugged each other…I was really touched: I had quickly chosen that song on my iPod! It was just the beginning of a wonderful evening where an authentic `joie de vivre´ beamed from everyone!” “Being the first person they meet in North America (with the exclusion of customs officers…). I felt privileged.” “My best memory was the International Dinner, and then the MANY hours of dishes there were to do afterward. It was an amazing night, and it ended in a haze of exhaustion. Actually, that’s a good description of the whole program!” “Running around like a maniac for 15 hours a day, just to do it again the next day and the next and loving every minute of it! Interning at Equitas was one of my all-time favourite jobs.” “I don’t think I have ever been in a location with more people from more different places, perspectives, and experiences, before or after the IHRTP. That was truly a gift, and I’m so glad I did it. I was so young at the time, and it was probably only years later that I realized how amazing that is.” “The general atmosphere at the IHRTP – to spend three weeks with so many passionate people and an amazing team of interns.”

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