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What do Bella Ciao, Baladi, and Bollywood have in common?

The International Human Rights Training Program, of course! Last night was the annual International Evening at the IHRTP.  Every year the participants get together by region and put together a great performance.  We are treated to the most incredible array of music, song and dance you could ever hope to witness in one evening. In beautiful traditional dress, the Participants let loose with their amazing moves.  The energy is positively contagious – toe tapping, hand clapping, and table slapping accompany each number, and those in the audience don’t remain audience for long.  It’s amazing how many dancers the little stage is able to accommodate! The entire IHRTP is a fantastic and inspiring program– but the International Evening is by far the most fun activity.  To all the participants, staff, board members, volunteers, interns and others who worked hard to make it happen: thank you!!  And to all the donors and supporters who work hard to make the IHRTP and all our work possible: they all thank you!

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