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Request for Proposals – Organizational Capacity Mapping Project

Dignity Network Canada (DNC) is a national coalition of 48 member organizations involved in or interested in the human rights of people around the world, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC). DNC provides opportunities for Canadian civil society organizations and their global partners to connect, share and advocate together on SOGIESC-related human rights issues. DNC is a national, nonprofit organization governed by a Board of Directors. Dignity Network Canada is a partner with Equitas in the new Act Together for Inclusion Fund (ACTIF).

Equitas advances equality, social justice and respect for human dignity through transformative human rights education programs in Canada and around the world. To deliver on our mission, Equitas’ programming contributes to the empowerment of individuals and groups to challenge inequality and discrimination and take action to respect, protect and defend human rights.

Launched in 2020, The Act Together for Inclusion Fund (ACTIF) is an outcome of significant efforts made by Dignity Network Canada (DNC) and its members to advocate for greater Canadian support for advancing the human rights of LGBTQ2I people internationally. The launch of ACTIF therefore marks a highly anticipated and historic moment for Canadian funding for international LGBTQ2I initiatives. Funded by Global Affairs Canada and managed by Equitas in partnership with DNC, ACTIF aims to enhance the respect, protection and fulfillment of the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, two-spirit and intersex (LGBTQ2I) persons in countries in the Global South, and specifically those eligible for Official Development Assistance. The Fund will strengthen a network of Canadian LGBTQ2I organizations and build solidarity with local LGBTQ2I CSOs with additional, or previously inaccessible, opportunities to implement programming in the Global South.


As part of this partnership, DNC has received funding to support a range of supports for its members involved in ACTIF. This project will engage an external consultant to conduct a mapping projecting looking at the current capacities and needs of DNC members receiving ACTIF funding or interested in applying in the future. The contract start date will be May 15 with a report due by October 15.

Contract details

Goal: Develop a high-level capacity map of DNC members receiving ACTIF funding or interested in funding in the future.

Information Needs:

  • Establish a baseline inventory (pre-ACTIF) of LGBTQ2I international work, including projects, partners, countries, types of work, dates, budget.
  • Determine which organizations are involved in international fora and spaces, including networks and intermediary organizations.
  • Determine capacity needs in terms of designing and managing GAC funded projects: results-based management, GBA+, monitoring and evaluation capacities.


  • Develop a methodology, that includes an online survey, for the mapping exercise.
  • Analyse, in collaboration with the Equitas and DNC ACTIF team the results of the process.
  • Collaborate with Equitas and DNC staff on the process.
  • Produce a report on the outcomes that will provide baseline information on capacities of organizations involved in ACTIF.


  • A final report (between 10 and 20) pages including an executive summary that will be shared with all ACTIF participants.
  • A spreadsheet or dataset that compiles the data for each organization, that can act as a baseline to track engagement with Canadian organizations.
  • The report will provide some recommendations to both Equitas and DNC around the development of additional capacity or learning needs of both current and potential grantee organizations.
  • A presentation back to ACTIF Advisory Committee members and DNC members on the overall findings and recommendations.

Budget: Maximum $6,000 plus HST

Timeline of work: May to October

Proposal requirements:

  • Please describe how you would undertake the above-mentioned activities, as well as any additional activities, within the required timeline and budget.
  • Please describe previously completed contracts/experience that have prepared you for this project.
  • Please explain how you will ensure that both French- and English-speaking organizations are able to participate in the project.
  • Please describe your experience in the areas of organizational capacity building, environmental scans, mapping exercises.
  • Please provide contact information of a previous client for whom you have undertaken similar work.
  • Please keep your submission to under 3 pages (not including CV)

Please submit to by 5:00PM Friday, April 30th.    

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