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Fatoumata Bouaré: Encouraging women and girls in Mali to pursue their studies

Fatoumata Bouaré: Encouraging women and girls in Mali to pursue their studies
She is the first woman in her community to obtain a master’s degree and has more than twenty years of experience in the defense of human rights. Today, she is a Socio-Anthropologist and the Gender Equality and Community Action Manager for Lawyers Without Borders in Bamako, capital city of Mali. She also proudly participated to [...]

The International Human Rights Training Program is back for its 41st edition in June!

Equitas is more than thrilled to announce the International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) is finally coming back this summer after three years of absence! From June 11 to 30, Equitas will welcome in Montreal a hundred of human rights educators and defenders from all around the world for an intensive and innovative human rights [...]

Charity Challenge 2023: Running in Solidarity for Human Rights

This past Earth Day, on April 22, Equitas staff, friends, family, and supporters gathered to take part in this year’s Charity Challenge at Parc Jean Drapeau in Montreal, to raise funds for Equitas. Some started their morning bright and early, running 21k at 8 am while those running 5k and 10k took off a few [...]

Miyoba Hamuhuma: Supporting the full potential of children living with disabilities through accessible schools

“My passion is to advocate for the rights of people living with a disability.” These are the words of Miyoba Hamuhuma, human rights defender and Chief Executive Officer at Enlight Abilities, an organization in Zambia committed to the empowerment of people with disabilities. He decided to participate in Global Rights Connection, a participatory online training [...]

Leidy D. Lasprilla: Working at the intersection of human rights and the climate crisis

Leidy D. Lasprilla is a social activist, a human rights defender and a biology graduate. She is currently an environmental leader at Artex Social in the city of Palmira, Colombia, where she teaches and empowers youth with leadership skills to act on environmental issues. She decided to take part in  Global Rights Connection, Equitas’ human [...]

Together, we can create a better world: Speaking out against injustice

The world is in recovery. We are reckoning with devastating effects of the pandemic on societies, such as more deeply rooted inequalities and social divides. Governments are focused on returning to normalcy, yet the human rights of many continue to fall through the cracks. In these times, there is greater urgency for communities pushed to [...]

Combating the school drop-out of young mothers in Haiti

In Haiti, early pregnancy is a major barrier to girls' education and empowerment. There is no specific strategy to combat the drop-out of young mothers from school; on the contrary, the practice is that they are excluded from educational institutions when they find themselves in this situation. After the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti, several [...]

Part Two of the EquiTalks: Bridging our Diversities

On October 25, the second hybrid EquiTalks panel discussion took place in Toronto, the traditional home and meeting-place of the Huron-Wendat, the Seneca, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. People also tuned in online from across Canada and the world to catch the conversation on human rights education and how it can bridge diversities and [...]