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Opening – Consultancy on development of a human rights education training manual and training agenda for a training to equip women’s rights groups to lead actions for the protection and realization of women’s rights in Algeria


Equitas has been working since 2006 in the Middle East and North Africa region in over 10 communities and with 10 local partners to increase respect for human rights, reduce conflict and promote gender equality and to identify emerging issues impacting marginalised groups (specifically women, youth and people living with disability), to develop innovative tools, educational resources and training to help build their leadership skills in communities.

In Algeria, Equitas is initiating a project entitled “Women’s engagement for the reinforcement of a democratic transition in Algeria”. This is the first project that Equitas will carry out in Algeria. The overall outcome of the project is the increased participation of Algerian women’s rights groups in political actions to promote the protection and realization of women’s rights.


Equitas is seeking a Consultant to develop a human rights education training manual, including a  detailed workshop agenda for a 6-days training workshop to strengthen the capacity of targeted women’s rights groups to take action to foster actions for the protection and realization of women’s Rights is Algeria.

The training manual will be anchored in a human rights-based approach integrating a gender perspective and will include a focus on gender equality and women’s rights.  The aim is to build knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to conduct human rights-based community actions and mobilization activities. As a result, trainees will better understand human rights issues affecting women and girls in their communities. They will also be better equipped to develop and implement community actions. Additionally, the tool will integrate practical activities on HRE to be embedded in gender equality campaigns, as well as, reference materials on gender equality and human rights.

The training manual will include the agenda and times for the facilitation of the training manual.

Workshop Duration: one training session of 6 days.

Participants: 25 representatives from women’s rights groups representing at least 10 groups from diverse geographical regions of Algeria.

The training will target members of women’s rights groups who are engaged in community actions to advance women’s rights, gender equality and diversity. The training will reinforce the overall capacities of women’s rights groups to understand issues affecting women and girls’ rights and to facilitate human rights education activities to address those rights. The training will also aim to ensure that the gender perspective is adopted in the planning of community initiatives.

The training will focus on strengthening participants’ capacity to:

  • Use a human rights-based approach (HRBA) and a gender perspective when analyzing and responding to issues affecting women in the communities
  • Develop practical strategies for embedding women and girl’s rights in community actions
  • Mobilize marginalized women in implementing human rights initiatives
  • Develop a draft plan for a community action


The Consultant will ensure the following key deliverables:

  • Prepare a work plan that will describe how the work is to be carried out. This plan shall be reviewed by the Program Officer and the Director of Education to ensure an agreement by both parties.
  • Develop a detailed outline of the training manual (overall structure, main themes/Modules and plan of activities) for a 6-day workshop to be approved by Equitas, in consultation with partners.
  • Develop a human rights education training manual, including the agenda for the workshop (Develop activities, worksheets (tools) and reference sheets in line with the identified themes/Modules and expected results and content for reference sheets/additional resources) for a 6-day workshop to strengthen capacity of targeted women’s rights groups to take action to foster actions for the protection and realization of women’s Rights is Algeria.
  • Prepare and lead an online session to present the manual produced by the Consultant to the Equitas staff who will facilitate the workshop in Algeria.

All written deliverables of the consultancy will be delivered in French. The Consultant will ensure that the main expected deliverable will be consistent with other Equitas’ guidelines and tools in terms of format, structure and length. The quality and content of the deliverables will be assessed by the Director of Education (in consultation with the MENA Program Officer).


To fulfill its mandate and produce the expected deliverables, the Consultant will be:

  • Consulting stakeholders at Equitas including, but not limited to, the MENA Program Officer, the Director of Education and relevant project teams to better understand the need of the organization in relation to the Consultant’s deliverables;
  • Reviewing existing manuals and tools used in the MENA program recently;
  • Participating in online check-in meetings with the MENA Program Officer, the Director of Education to review progress on the work plan, any challenges and/or any need of support in order to provide the expected.

Duration, level of effort and location

  • Budget and contract number of days: This assignment is expected to be carried out with a level of effort of 25 to 31 working days.
  • Period of performance: The consultancy is expected to be conducted between June and July 2021.
  • Location: Remote. The assignment is expected to be home-based with all meetings to be connected virtually. The Consultant will supply all necessary equipment required (ex: computer, phone, internet, etc.).

Management arrangements

The Consultant will report directly to the Equitas Director of Education, Jean-Sébastien Vallée (Responsible for approving deliverables and invoices). Equitas will provide relevant background documents necessary for the assignment. The Consultant will be expected to work closely with Equitas’ MENA Program Officer and MENA team.

Qualifications of the consultant

The Consultant should have the following experience, skills, and knowledge:

  • Bachelor’s degree in education, international studies, political science or formal education/training in instructional design/curriculum development (or equivalent experience).
  • A minimum of seven (7) years’ work experience in-learner-centered curriculum design and delivery of training.
  • Ability to communicate orally, and read and understand documents, in both of Canada’s official languages (English and French); and excellent writing skills in French.
  • Demonstrated commitment to contribute to and promote a work environment that values diversity, inclusion, and equality.
  • Demonstrated experience in working with a non-profit in an advisory or consultancy role, assisting them to develop education materials.
  • Ability to manage the available time and resources and to work to tight deadlines.
  • Ability to communicate orally, and read and understand documents in Arabic, an asset.
  • Knowledge of the MENA region.

How to apply

To apply, please send the following:

  • Curriculum vitae, no longer than three pages and contain relevant information.
  • One example of education materials produced
  • Technical proposal outlining the consultant/firm’s proposed approach for carrying out the required assignments (no more than 2-3 pages), including an indicative work plan and proposed timeline.
  • Detailed budget providing the cost of the consultant’s services, including daily rate in CDN$, and total cost).

Please quote “MENA Consultancy – Equitas” in the subject line.

Applications should be emailed to Jean-Sébastien Vallée, no later than May 30, 2021.

Please feel free to contact us via email for any further details or inquiry.

Equitas will respond to applicants with its decision within 5 working days from the proposal deadline.

Technical and financial offer will be discussed upon selection.

Given the nature of our work, we encourage applications from any candidates who have experienced marginalization, in particular, Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour, LGBTQ2I people, and people living with disabilities. Candidates who wish to do so may self-identify in their application. All employment offers are conditional of satisfactory references and the signing of Equitas Human Resources Policy and the Policy on Preventing Sexual Violence, Harassment and Discrimination.

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