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Human rights education curbs polarization.

Across the world, we are witnessing right now increasing violence and polarization, threatening the preservation and the realization of human rights of all sorts, from the right to democracy, to the right to go to school, or the rights of LGBTQI+ people. The need to act is imperative.

Since 1967, Equitas believes in the power of human rights education as one of the most potent pathways to achieve a global culture where human rights are considered, respected and celebrated. As a nonprofit, Equitas relies on the generosity of donors like you to keep our mission relevant. Every single donation, no matter the size, helps us address the challenges faced in our global pursuit of equality and protection of human rights and to take collective action to create dialogue in times of polarization, leaving no one behind.   

Photo: Marc Forget

Humanity is in a moment that presents more and more risks for many because of their identity, precarious economic status, or vulnerability to climate related devastation.   

Our hearts may often feel heavy witnessing the enormity of human suffering across the world, however, we must never cease to believe in each other’s humanity. Human rights education, along with the advocacy of countless human rights defenders worldwide whose work is guided by the values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, sustains this belief, and offers us hope.    

Equitas recognizes the added layers of complexity that human rights defenders are facing – shrinking civil society, rise in authoritarianism, polarized and divisive discourse, deepening knowledge of barriers that impeded enjoyment of human rights based on identity and geopolitical seismic shifts.   

Equitas centers our work on and with partner organizations and individuals relentlessly committed to human rights education to advance equality and inclusion in communities in Canada and across the world.   



You can become an agent of change in your own community, working to eliminate injustice and build a better world. Donate to Equitas and become a force for change, by supporting crucial work in human rights education now!