In October 2020, Global Affairs Canada opened the conversation to develop Canada’s new feminist foreign policy, following the same direction as Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy released in 2017.

It that context, a working group was formed with members of different organizations, including Equitas, as specialists in human rights education. The mandate of this group was to reflect on the direction of the canadian foreign policy from a feminist perspective.
A list of recommendations was drafted with the help of Odette McCarthy, Executive Director and Libertad Benito Torres, Gender Specialist at Equitas, as well as other members of the working group. This document will therefore be forwarded to Global Affairs Canada as support for their reflection.
Go to page 12 for Equitas’ recommendations about human rights.
“A human rights based approach reinforces the transformative aspect of a feminist approach by addressing the root causes of inequality, poverty and conflict, and by tackling and deconstructing power relations.” – Odette McCarthy and Libertad Benito Torres
Look at the document here