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Canada’s Fourth Universal Periodic Review: Your voice counts!

UPR4: Your voice counts! Engaging civil society around Canada's 4th Universal Periodic Review

Equitas is collaborating with the Human Rights Program in the Department of Canadian Heritage to actively engage civil society organizations across Canada regarding Canada’s Fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR4). The engagement process ultimately aims to inform Canada’s response to the recommendations it received on November 10, 2023, as part of its UPR4 process. 

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a unique process, established by the United Nations Human Rights Council, which involves a periodic review of the human rights records of all 193 United Nations Member States, including Canada. The UPR serves as a crucial tool that enables the United Nations Human Rights Council to examine whether Member States are meeting their human rights obligations and commitments. You can consult the reports submitted as part of Canada’s review. 

The engagement process facilitated by Equitas has been an exciting opportunity for civil society organizations to learn more about the UPR process and contribute their unique perspectives to the decision-making of federal, provincial, and territorial governments on which UPR4 recommendations Canada should accept.   

This engagement process comprised 3 parts: 

1. A knowledge-building webinar

On November 23, 2023, Equitas offered a comprehensive 90-minute webinar designed to improve the understanding of the UPR process for civil society organizations in Canada .

2. Five engagement sessions with civil society organizations in Canada

Between November 28 and December 6, 2023, Equitas facilitated five engagement sessions with civil society organizations, enabling some 54 people from approximately 52 organizations to express their views on the recommendations received by Canada. Two of the sessions were held in person (one session in French in Montreal; one session in English in Ottawa) while the other three were held virtually (one in French; two in English).

3. An asynchronous consultation form

An asynchronous consultation form, made available in French and English between November 29 and December 13, 2023, enabled civil society members who had not participated in the engagement sessions (or who had attended a session but wished to add information), to express their views on the recommendations in writing. 87 forms were received by the closing date.  

Read our synthesis report on civil society’s engagement on Canada’s UPR4

View our presentation to the Senior Officials Committee Responsible for Human Rights (SOCHR) in January 2024