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Brodan Giambrone | Director, International Trans Fund

Broden Headshot

Broden Giambrone (he/him) is a trans activist with seventeen years of experience in community organizing, activism and capacity building in trans communities. Since 2017, he has been the Director of the International Trans Fund (ITF), a participatory grantmaking fund made up of trans activists and donors. Over four grant cycles, the ITF has disbursed USD $2.615 million to 105 trans-led groups in 63 countries worldwide. Before joining the ITF, Broden was the Chief Executive of Transgender Equality Network Ireland (TENI). In this position, he took a leadership role in TENI’s high level advocacy and lobbying for the introduction of the Gender Recognition Act 2015, a legal recognition law based on self-determination. Broden has a long record of involvement and leadership in intersectional social justice campaigns related to issues of self-determination, bodily integrity, and harm reduction. He holds a Master’s in Public Health (Health Promotion) from the University of Toronto, which focused on community and policy development in the field of trans health.