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Supporting a democratic, pacific transition in Burkina Faso

November 4, 2014 Equitas is very concerned about the current political crisis in Burkina Faso. Many human rights activists who have participated in our International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) and regional activities in the past are residents of Burkina Faso. In conjunction with the Burkina Faso Equitas Network, the Mouvement burkinabé des droits de […]

A human rights defender assassinated in Yemen

November 3, 2014 It is with deep sorrow that we learnt of the assassination of Dr. Mohammed Abdulmalik al-Mutawakil, a strong human rights defender and an opposition leader in Yemen. Dr. al-Mutawakil was the father of two women deeply involved in Equitas’ work : Qobol, an IHRTP alumna, and Antelak, co-founder of the Youth Leadership […]

A successful day of discussions at the Maison d’Haïti

October 31, 2014 Maison d’Haïti, a Montreal organization dedicated to the education and integration of immigrants and immigrant families, hosted over fifty members of the Haitian community last Saturday, October 25. Parents, community workers and representatives of youth protection services and other organizations working with children were invited to speak about the issues involved in […]

Return to Tanzania!

October 28, 2014 Members of the Equitas team are back in Moshi, in the beautiful Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania, to conduct a baseline data collection on human rights in the region. This study, conducted in partnership with the Tusonge Community Development Organization, will serve as a baseline for measuring the progress that will be made […]

Haïti: sources of change

October 20, 2014 The Engaged Citizenship project in Haiti, implemented by over 20 Haitian civil society organizations in partnership with Equitas and GARR, has led to impressive and tangible results. The Equitas team recently visited three Haitian communities (Gressier, La Victoire and Thomassique) involved in the project and observed how each community had found creative […]

Human rights, irregular migration and the future of youth in West Africa

September 25, 2014 In search of a better life, young Senegalese regularly board small fishing boats for a perilous journey to seek their fortune abroad through irregular migration. Spain is the usual destination, from where they will join family or friends already living in Europe. This quest often turns into a nightmare with many lives […]

Application forms for the 2015 International Human Rights Training Program now available

36th annual International Human Rights Training Program, June 7 – June 26, 2015 We are delighted to announce that the application period for the 36th annual International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) is now open and we will be accepting applications until November 17, 2014. We look forward to another inspiring three-week program and the opportunity to meet […]

Frequently Asked Questions about Equitas

What is Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education? a non-profit organization founded in Montreal in 1967. Who founded Equitas? eminent Canadians, including John Humphrey, one of the drafters of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Thérèse Casgrain, campaigner for women’s right to vote in Quebec; justice Harry Batshaw, first Canadian Superior Court Judge of […]

May 28, 2014: Nobel Prize Muhammad Yunus receives Equitas Award for Human Rights Education

Today, Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus, Laureate of the 2011 Equitas Award for Human Rights Education, finally received his award as he attended a ceremony hosted by Equitas’ corporate sponsor Aimia, in Montreal. He took the opportunity to share some reflections on the link between human rights education and his groundbreaking  work on microfinance and […]