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Play It Fair! Basic 3 hour Training: Workshop Manual

A 3-hour training manual designed to develop the knowledge and skills of staff working directly with children to promote inclusion, non-discrimination, multiculturalism, human rights and peaceful conflict resolution in their programs for children and youth. Also available in French.

Play It Fair! Basic One-Day Training: Workshop Manual

A 1-day training manual designed to develop the knowledge and skills of staff working directly with children to promote inclusion, non-discrimination, multiculturalism, human rights and peaceful conflict resolution in their programs for children and youth. Also available in French.

Health and Human Rights: A Resource Guide

A resource guide that covers the basic concepts and resources in health and human rights that can be used in day-to-day work in health and human rights programming.

Play It Fair! 2-Day Training of Trainers Session: Workshop Manual

Cet atelier de formation des formateurs s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet intitulé Prévenir le racisme et la discrimination : Préparer les enfants canadiens à s’engager dans une société multiculturelle. L’objectif de cet atelier est de renforcer la capacité des participants à mettre en œuvre des programmes qui contribueront à promouvoir des relations interculturelles harmonieuses, […]